
  • [258] 2016/06/30 21:35

    Alcuni errorini:Pasticci con le parentesi chiuse ma non aperte: (; truffatori online Il film in italiano si intitola a . Curiosit??: ?¨ liberamente tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Robert Heinlein del 1959; ancora pi?? profetico. Anche il romanzo ?¨ stato tradotto in italiano (nel 1962).
  • [257] 2016/06/30 14:39

    Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
  • [256] 2016/06/30 10:55

    Und jetzt noch mein Abschiedswort an diese Seite:-Rechts ist heute jeder, der nicht ausテつュdrテδシckテつュlich links ist.-Rechtspopulistisch ist heute jeder, der dies auch noch verテつュbal テδ、uテηクert-Rechtsradikal ist jeder, der es auch noch wagt, hierテつュfテδシr auf die Straテηクe zu gehen-und Rechtsextrem ist der, der hierテつュbei die gleiテつュchen Methoden anwenテつュdet wie die AntifaSchテδカnen Abend noch
  • [255] 2016/06/30 07:12

    see kelsey you are very crafty and eric you can decorate my house for christmas if you wish.LOL and it was so nice to visit with both of you on sunday.
  • [254] 2016/06/30 04:34

    I agree with GoAway0000 because I see channels who join within a few days yet they're allowed to have the 10minute+ video upload limit while people who've been on YouTube for around 6 months don't get that right.
  • [253] online auto insurance 2016/06/29 11:23

    why? As leader of the opposition, shouldn’t he be speaking out against these reforms to prevent the NHS becoming a US-style health system profiting priv co’s not patients, who if they can’t afford care, will go withot…?
  • [252] 2016/06/29 05:10

    Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.
  • [251] 2016/06/29 05:07

    テ」竄ャ竄ャ( 2012.03.3 23:06 ) : My car’s headlights are so cloudy/foggy on the outside and look as if I had put some spray on them. Can anybody help me with this. Perhaps buffing them?. Thanks..
  • [250] 2016/06/27 05:12

    I agree that someone needs to own D&I initiatives, however HR can’t do it alone. Without serious support and role modelling at the top of the house, it becomes a no win situation for HR. I’ve seen diversity networks owned by the business unit and facilitated with HR support to be effective in ensuring that D&I becomes part of the culture. Policies and practices need to line up to the goals to avoid the sameness but it’s a fine line between being too vague and too homogenious.
  • [249] cheap car insurance quotes 2016/06/26 22:39

    Io penso che l'energia prodotta sia dovuta ad un fenomeno di risonanza favorito dalla matrice metallica del nichel.Quindi il segreto catalizzatore non テδィ altro che un campo elettromagnetico opportunamente "accordato" col nichel.