
  • [278] 2016/07/06 16:10

    Bah, io mi posso anche informare meglio, non dico di no, ma sempre uccisione di una bestia a scopo autocelebrativo テδィ. O no?Non so se al toro faccia piacere essere "onorato e portato in trionfo prima del macello"... bah.
  • [277] 2016/07/06 15:30

    Oh, da mテδカcht' ich mich ja am liebsten zum Essen einladen - ich nehme auch Weinsoテηクe, wenn keine Vanille mehr da ist *lach*Leckere Grテδシテηクe schickt dirKirstin
  • [276] 2016/07/06 14:11

    Futilit??s graves Th. Hollande d??sol?? de la violence de mon propos : Taisez-vous. Pendant ce temps on oublie les errements du CLAN Sarkozy parti en laissant un Etat en faillite (Cf Fillon). Tout ?§a va nous co??ter tr?¨s cher. Rappel: Budget 2012 (Sarko) 122 Mds € de d??ficit qu'il faut emprunter. Dette suppl??mentaire sur 5 ans: 600 Mds € Tout ?§a a ??t?? cach?? pendant 10 ans par une presse globalement apeur??e et ?? la botte de Sarko (voir les propri??taires des organes de presse). Voir les interviews pdt la campagne.
  • [275] 2016/07/06 08:41

    Now I see that Im not the only one….I imediately posted without reading other posts. Looks like Im not the only one…now I feel much better. Thats what I get for talking without reading what others say first…I have a habit of doing that…sorry.
  • [274] 2016/07/06 00:55

    That's what we've all been waiting for! Great posting!
  • [273] 2016/07/05 16:58

    aspects.For those who are looking for more information regarding milk nutrition facts and also whole milk nutrition facts.Comments Off Tags: milk, muscle milk Author: shawna66ball This author has published 14 articles so
  • [272] 2016/07/04 13:46

    Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
  • [271] 2016/07/04 11:42

    italiano si carlos si es la verdad yo que culpa tengo energumene, scemo di merda!! ahi te va algo en italiano!!jajaja soquete, y contestテδ。 dejテδ。 de dar escusas y dar vueltas, mandril no te das cuenta que ni siquiera podテδゥs responder satisfactoriamente algo tan basico y primordial com olos “conocimientos” que a vos te inspiran una especia de pseudointelectualismo cuando no dije nada de otro mundo!!!haaaaa seテδアor ADULTO viste el link que dejテδゥ anteriormente??por que no comentテδ。s?? ajajjajajajaja
  • [270] 2016/07/04 03:19

    mhikl September 3, 2011 As a teacher who has taught in two countries and in two procinces, styles of learning are considered and a variety of teahcing mthods are encourage. Teacher's try to be aware of differences and tests are usually strucrued to measure from all perspectives. Once students know their learning strengths and weakness, they usually do better in school. I've seen students whose desks are usually in disaray learn to organise them before starting to work or do a test. Awareness brings better understanding. 
  • [269] 2016/07/04 02:04

    Linda participa?§?£o da Socorro e todos n??s parece que temos mais dificuldades nas perdas de pessoas jovens…?‰ mais dif??cil de entender…Beijos ??s duas,tudo de bom,chica