
  • [308] 2016/07/14 15:19

    So that's the case? Quite a revelation that is.
  • [307] 2016/07/13 22:47

    Facebook is about YOU. Not about them. I remember when Facebook use to be about people talking about there goals and achievements in life, not there kids. If anything it’s now drama about themselves and wonderful stories about there kids. Buy a dairy, no one cares. If you have something exciting to say about your kids, share it with the people you care about. Not your 200+ friends on Facebook that wanted to be your friend to stay in touch with your life, not theirs.
  • [306] 2016/07/13 19:12

    Bonjour, Je pense que vous connaissez bien le CBC EVAL 09 cテ「竄ャ邃「est un systテδィme de la rテδゥcupテδゥration dテ「竄ャ邃「テδゥnergie.Ce que jテ「竄ャ邃「aimerais savoir, cテ「竄ャ邃「est : Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire comment ils ont faits pour calculer les valeurs des condensateurs et de la bobine pour le convertisseur Boost en entrテδゥe. Merci dテ「竄ャ邃「avance,
  • [305] 2016/07/13 18:38

    That's a sharp way of thinking about it.
  • [304] 2016/07/12 16:53

    There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.
  • [303] 2016/07/12 15:36

    Going to put this article to good use now.
  • [302] 2016/07/12 07:16

    I’m sorry but YouTube did not give me enough characters to explain my hatred towards you. Well for starters you called her and I quote “the devil” what does that even mean? Does she practise witchcraft? No you big idiot. You truly sound like a empty minded asshole, who just throws around words you obviously don’t know what they mean. And are you even educated? Seriously, judging from your grammar, punctuation and spelling. There are so many? things wrong with your comment. It hardly makes sense.
  • [301] 2016/07/11 11:23

    I have instructional videos on YouTube, and have received a very warm response from students and teachers alike about them. Thanks YouTube!The Video Math Tutor
  • [300] 2016/07/11 11:08

    Ann, I’m a bit late, but getting caught up. I’m so happy for you, and know you must be soooo proud! You are an Ironman!! Freaking amazing. I’ve loved following your journey, and I can’t wait to follow you in your next challenge.
  • [299] 2016/07/11 10:38

    Its still surprise me, just how some people do not know about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a google search), despite the fact that many people get great result because of it. Thanks to my work buddy who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost plenty of weight by using? it without starving myself.