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    Perdテδウneme usted, padre, es que viendo tanto libro me he puesto bruta. No se preocupe usted, que me rezo dos rosarios ahora mismo. Bueno, cuatro: dos por lo de la herencia, uno para que Adanero no acierte y el テδコltimo para desear que a mi hermano le traigan una tele nueva los reyes, porque cuando ustedes se juntan para ver al atleti, vuelan las zapatillas (y los naテδコticos) por los aires. Que lo he vivido, ¡ja!.:P :P :P
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    It’s sure fascinating how some people get so interested in the faults and weaknesses of others. And can project their values and assumptions beyond what anyone actually knows. And draw conclusions.Obviously, Mr Lyman was born that way, couldn’t help having a need and right to sexual satisfaction. And there is no such thing as changing once he had that desire. Why is the church so judgmental, as if the 10 commandments still apply? It’s none of there business what he did in his spare time.